Believe And Take Action

Believe And Take Action

by Barb Jarmoska, director

As we step into 2025, I would be remiss not to acknowledge the valid concerns shared by America’s climate activists and protectors of the natural world. There is no evidence that the soon-to-be federal government will prioritize the urgent need for policies and actions focused on the growing threat of climate change. Increased opportunities for the growth of a sustainable energy economy and a healthier planet are in jeopardy.
The RDA board has seriously considered what our plan of action will be under the policies of a new administration. We spent considerable time crafting the specifics of what RDA believes, and how those beliefs must shape our mission.
RDA BELIEVES we all need a more cooperative relationship with nature; replacing commercial farming with regenerative agriculture can beneficially transform human and environmental health; the existing fossil fuel economy is no longer affordable due to inefficiency and harmful consequences; and sustainable energy is a necessity for a fair and just society.

RDA STRIVES to channel our core beliefs into actions. By uniting with other organizations and individuals to champion essential changes, we aim to heighten awareness of humanity's fundamental and integral connection to the natural world.

In fulfillment of RDA’s mission to act and unite, watch for a mid-January newsletter announcement about a big event coming up in March. We also made the decision to establish annual dues for those willing to go beyond the free membership provided to subscribers of this newsletter.
Peruse Membership Options Here.
If you prefer to pay by check payable to Responsible D. Alliance, please mail to:
RDA / 766 Butternut Grove Road / Montoursville, PA 17754
It is our sincere hope that you will stay connected with RDA and be a part of our efforts. We acknowledge that there are a multitude of opportunities before you. Above all, please choose actions and activities that provide meaningful ways for you to use your unique gifts and talents, to invest your time and resources, and above all to…

bring forth your light.
When the earth shakes and foundations crumble
Our light is called to rise up…
In times when division is fierce, we must reach for each other
And hold each other much, much tighter…
Bring forth your light.
Now is not the time to be afraid of the dark.
Abbreviated and reprinted by permission of poet Chelan Harkin, author of The Prophetess, poetic prose about human potential.

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