RDA Events & News

Bringing Nature Back: One Yard at a Time
We can't wait to see you at this event we're putting on in partnership with Master Gardeners of Lycoming County. Registration is just $30 for a full day of learning. Don't wait to register--seating is limited.

Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm, RDA holds a meeting of its Working Group, often on Zoom and generally lasting about 90 minutes. Any RDA member is welcome to participate as we discuss issues to engage in: what we know, what we need to know and what actions, if any, to take. Bring your ideas, comments, questions, information to share, etc., or just join in and listen. Email responsibledecarbonization@gmail.com for instructions to participate. RDA welcomes all interested members.

Some Previous Events
Contrasting Land Use Strategies: Lessons From America’s Relations With Indigenous Peoples and the Environment in the Past and Present
September 28, 2023, 7PM. Virtual. Hosted by RDA.
RDA is proud to host this educational webinar in honor of Native American Day. This presentation will explore the contrasting land use between native people and European settlers and trace how European approaches impacted Native peoples over time. With this context, our speaker Dr. Craig Miller of the Pennsylvania College of Technology will shed some light on contemporary issues impacting Native land use and rights like the Keystone XL pipeline and Willow project in Alaska.
Get to Know Your Forest: Bald Eagle State Forest
August 23, 2023. 12 PM. Virtual.
Pennsylvania has over 2 million acres of State Forest land covering 20 districts across the state.
Join theSave Pennsylvania’s Forests Coalitionas we explore each of our unique and breathtaking State Forests through the eyes of a DCNR representative. This webinar will be with a forester from Bald Eagle State Forest in Central PA which comprises nearly 195,000 acres of high, sharp ridges and features miles of pristine mountain streams, hundreds of miles of trails and numerous tracts of old-growth forest.
“Plastics & The Future Of Our Planet: A Conversation With Bill McKibben and Elizabeth Kolbert”webinar hosted by Beyond Plastics
July 12, 2023. 7 PM
Join Beyond Plastics on July 12, 2023 on Zoom for a conversation about plastics and the future of our planet with environmental leader and author, Bill McKibben, and Pullitzer prize-winning journalist, Elizabeth Kolbert, moderated by Beyond Plastics president and former U.S. EPA regional administrator, Judith Enck.
Climate News
News in Parks
Resist with Alt National ParksAlt National Parks is a National Parks social media campaign that developed to resist government obliteration of conservation efforts.
Climate News & Justice
Visit NRDC's News and Commentary pageFollow along with organized climate resistance and news at the National Resource Defense Council
News at Reuters
Get the Haps HereCheck out Up-to-date News on Climate Justice at Reuters's Environmenal Justice Tag. Current news stories aggregated in one place.