Humans Are Outnumbered

Humans Are Outnumbered

Happy Arbor Day!

Humans are not Earth’s chief occupants. Trees are.
A new science-based discourse about the role of trees sees them not as inert objects but intelligent subjects.

Whereas researchers must usually toil in respectable obscurity for decades before their ideas attract notice, the intelligent-plant notion is moving at top speed. It’s worth asking what makes us so eager to ascribe human qualities to the arboreal world. Might you be missing something important when you gaze into the wooden framed mirror and see only yourself?
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Al Gore honors regional Climate Reality leader Dr. Sandy Field.

RDA congratulates Climate Reality leader Sandy Field, recipient of the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award, presented by founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, former US Vice President Al Gore. Sandy was instrumental in the victorious opposition to Encina’s plan to build the largest plastic plant in the U.S. in a floodplain of the Susquehanna River.  Brava, Sandy!  
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Help for our sick forests on the way.

New career opportunities that make a lasting impact on climate change mitigation.

Know someone who loves being outdoors and is looking for a rewarding career? The American Climate Corps is launching an initiative to employ 20,000 Americans to combat the climate crisis in a variety of capacities. Lots of folks have different visions of what it looks like to participate in the climate workforce. What’s yours? 

April 22, 2024. The Climate Pod ©
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