May 17 Presentation by TimPalmer
Friday, May 17 at 2 pm.
Barclay Lecture Hall/Heim G11
Climate change is expected to impact the Susquehanna Valley in the form of increased flooding. In his new book, Seek Higher Ground, environmental writer and former land-use planner Tim Palmer takes a fresh look at the emerging climate, economic and ecological realities river communities are now facing.
Palmer is a landscape architect graduate of Penn State. He worked diligently for the Lycoming County Planning Commission from 1971 to 1980. He is also an author of over 30 books and an accomplished nature photographer and advocate.
Global warming is forecast to sharply intensify flooding in our region and elsewhere. Tim Palmer looks at the future of river towns in light of the urgent warnings, and suggests the most effective, efficient and equitable solutions possible.
In addition to Palmer’s presentation at Lycoming College on the afternoon on May 17, Otto Bookstore will host a book signing that morning from 10 am – Noon.